C++ is a general-purpose programming language that was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C language, or “C with Classes”. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing facilities for low-level memory manipulation. It is almost always implemented as a compiled language, and many vendors provide C++ compilers, including the Free Software Foundation, Microsoft, Intel, and IBM, so it is available on many platforms.

C++ was designed with a bias toward system programming and embedded, resource-constrained software and large systems, with performance, efficiency and flexibility of use as its design highlights. C++ has also been found useful in many other contexts, with key strengths being software infrastructure and resource-constrained applications, including desktop applications, servers (e.g. e-commerce, Web search or SQL servers), and performance-critical applications (e.g. telephone switches or space probes).

C++ creates many job opportunities. C++ programmers are one of the most in demand professionals in IT industry, with knowledge of C++ you can find job as an associate software engineer, software developer, or system engineer.

Engineering, IT, MCA graduates, PGDBA/MBA graduates (IT specialisation), Software engineers, system analysts, business professionals seeking to upgrade themselves can join this course. Professionals with good knowledge of C++ can earn upto 3-10 lakhs per year depending on their experience.

After completing this course you will be able to

  • Understand Boundaries of C++
  • Write OOP Programs
  • Understand OOP Concept such as Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Inheritance.
  • String Manipulation
  • Perform Debugging
  • Minimize upfront investment using Cloud Computing

Course Content

  • Introduction to C++
    • Basics of C++
    • Hello world program
    • Setting up Visual Studio Environment
    • Program Lifecycle in C++
    • Data Types
    • Typedef and Enumerations
  • Introduction to OOP
    • Encapsulation
    • Polymorphism
    • Overloading
    • Overriding
  • Introduction to Class
    • Benefits of Class
    • Functions (friend Function)
    • Public Private and Protected
    • Multiple Inheritance
  • File Handling
    • File IO functions and Operators
    • Reading and Writing in a file